Janata Shikshana Samithi's

K.H. Kabbur Institute of Engineering
We teach with dedication and serve with human touch    

Science Department

Library Details

There is a separate library for 1st  year students to refer DTE recommended science & maths books in science department only. Presently there are more than 100 books of Applied Science.


The following Applied Mathematics & Applied Science manuals of renowned authors are also available,

Sri G S Udupi Rtd. HOD Science, K.H.K.I.E , Dharwad
Sri P G Narasapur Rtd HOD Science, K.H.K.I.E , Dharwad
Sri P N Yeri Rtd. HOS Physics of JSS Arts & Science college, Dharwad
Dr. D S Prakash HOD science S J P Bangalore
Sri N N Banavasi HOD Science K L E Polytechnics, Hubli
Sri Rajashekhar HOD Science Rural Polytechnics Haunsbhavi
Sri K Rammohan Rtd HOD Science S J Polytechnics Bangalore
Sri W R Neelkanth Detp of science a PT Raichur to name a few.