Janata Shikshana Samithi's

K.H. Kabbur Institute of Engineering
We teach with dedication and serve with human touch    

Governing Council of JSS



Poojya Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
Janata Shikshana Samiti, Dharwad


Dr. N Vajrakumar
Secretary, JSS Dharwad

Sri. H U Talawar
Director, Dept. of Technical Education, Bangalore

Sri. Anand Poojari
Secretary, Board of Technical Examination, Bangalore

Dr. Subhash Joshi
Vice-Chairman,JSS, Dharwad

Sri. Sachin B. Khimji
Industrialist, Hubli

Dr. M N Tavarageri
Member, JSS, Dharwad

Sri. G B Danashetti
Principal , B V V S Polytechnic, Bagalkot

AICTE  South Western Regional office, Bangalore

Member / Secretary
Sri. V. N. Desai
Principal, K H K Institute , Dharwad