Janata Shikshana Samithi's

K.H. Kabbur Institute of Engineering
We teach with dedication and serve with human touch    

Proctor's Message


Janata Shikshan Samiti’s K.H. Kabbur Institute of Engineering, Dharwad being one of the oldest and Premier Technical Institute of North Karnataka gives equal importance to academic and co-curricular activities for the overall development of the students. Every year, during the beginning of academic year, office bearers are nominated for different portfolios for the smooth conduct of events. These portfolios include sports advisors for boys and girls, convener, ISTE/IEI student chapter, secretary for Ladies association, chairman-Magazine committee, Secretary-staff club, chairman- Academic and Mentorship committee, Placement officers, NSS officers, Chairman-examination committee, chairman -cultural activities and convener for Youth Red Cross unit of the college.