Janata Shikshana Samithi's

K.H. Kabbur Institute of Engineering
We teach with dedication and serve with human touch    

Science Department



About the Department

The department started from the inception of Diploma course. It is academically for students limited to Ist year. From 1956-1957 Science, Maths and Science lab are common subjects for all technical courses.

In the beginning namely from 1956-57 for Civil branch only

    1. for Civil, Electrical & Mehanical courses
    2. for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical & Automobile courses
    3. for Computer science branch is as included along with above 4 courses
    4. Electronics & communication branch was introduced as an unaided course in 2003  .
    5. Mechatronics branch was introduced as yet another unaided course in 2006


Earlier the students’ intake was 40-50 depending upon demand for courses. From 1974-75, the students intake was permitted through DTE to enhance upto 60 for aided courses. Presently the students intake for E & C is more than 120 i.e nearly 128 for this 2011-12 academic year. Separate Classrooms having 120 students strength is provided with good infrastructures.


There is a separate library for 1st  year students to refer DTE recommended science & maths books in science department only. Presently there are more than 100 books of Applied Science.


The following Applied Mathematics & Applied Science manuals of renowned authors are also available,

Sri G S Udupi Rtd. HOD Science, K.H.K.I.E , Dharwad
Sri P G Narasapur Rtd HOD Science, K.H.K.I.E , Dharwad
Sri P N Yeri Rtd. HOS Physics of JSS Arts & Science college, Dharwad
Dr. D S Prakash HOD science S J P Bangalore
Sri N N Banavasi HOD Science K L E Polytechnics, Hubli
Sri Rajashekhar HOD Science Rural Polytechnics Haunsbhavi
Sri K Rammohan Rtd HOD Science S J Polytechnics Bangalore
Sri W R Neelkanth Detp of science a PT Raichur to name a few.

The department is having 8 mtrs x 10 mtr hall with staff room, having proper infrastructure to conduct science lab for 30 students at a time. For each 10 students one staff is taking care for instructions, verifications of journal and conducting lab. The lab is well equipped with present scientific instruments in required quantity