Janata Shikshana Samithi's

K.H. Kabbur Institute of Engineering
We teach with dedication and serve with human touch    

Science Department

Course Content

The syllabus for science subjects for 1st & 2nd Sem with maximum marks of 100 for duration of 3 hrs exam with minimum hrs of theory is 52 for Maths and for Science is 52 hrs.
Engineering Mathematics -1 syllabus

Weekly 4 hrs of theory for duration of 4 months of 52 hrs. having chapters titled below.
Chapter                                              No of hours
1) Determinants                                        04
2) Matrices                                                06
3) Vector Algebra                                       08 
4)Logarithms                                              02
5)Probability                                              06
6) Trignometry                                           16
7)Complex numbers                                   04               
8)Introduction to calculus limits                06

Applied Science syllabus

Weekly 4 hrs for theory of duration for 4 months of 52 hrs having chapter listed below.

Chapter                                              No of hours

1)Mechanics                                               08
2)Properties of solids n liquids                  10
3)Heat n properties of gases                      07
4)Wave motion                                           10
5)Modern physics                                       07
6)Industrial chemistry                                10

Applied science Lab
Weekly 2 times of each 3 hrs for the duration of 4 months

Name of practical
           1)   Vernier calipers        a) Volume of solid cylinder
                                                b) Volume of hallow cylinder
            2) Screw guage             a) Volume of solid sphere
                                                b) Volume of thin wire
                                                c) Thickness of glass plate
            3) Verification of Lami’s theorem
            4)  Verification of parallelogram law of forces
            5) Verification of triangle law of forces
            6) Viscosity of given liquid poiseulle’s method
            7) Sonometer- comparison method
            8) Sonometer- Absolute method
            9) Resonance Air Column method
            10) Surface Tension
            11) Moment bar  
Engineering Mathematics -2 syllabus

Weekly 4 hrs of theory for duration of 4 months of 52 hrs. having chapters titled below.

Chapter                                              No of hours
1)Straight lines                                            04
2)Conic section                                            04
3)Differential calculus                                  15
4)Application of differentiation                    07
5)Integral calculus                                        12
6)Definite integrals n its application            05
7)Differential equation                                 05